Become a Donor Today
Thank you for considering a gift to Sing Napa Valley. There are many ways to help.
Donors' names are listed in performance programs and on our website as a way of recognizing and honoring our contributors. (Donors may, of course, request to remain anonymous.)
Donations are tax-exempt to the extent allowed by law. Sing Napa Valley is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, tax ID # 47-2132602.
Monetary Donations
Monetary donations are vital to the success of the organization. Proceeds from ticket sales make up less than half of what it takes to bring exquisite choral music to the Napa Valley.
Donate Online
Make a donation directly to Sing Napa Valley in any amount with your credit card:
Directly to SNV
Donate By Mail
Donations in any amount can be made by check, made out to Sing Napa Valley, and sent to P.O. Box 2774, Napa, CA 94558. To donate by mail: open, print and complete the
Legacy Benefactor
- $10,000
- $5000
- $2500
- Other amount
Legacy Benefactor donations are used to underwrite events and programs, sponsor instruments or soloists and fund the long-term growth of the society. Legacy Benefactors are encouraged to confer with Sing Napa Valley leadership regarding funds distribution options.
- $1000
- $500
- $250
- $100
- Other amount
Tribute Gifts
Contributions in any amount may be made in memory of a loved one or in honor of a friend or family member.
Other Ways to Donate
Matching Gifts
Many companies and foundations will match their employees’ cash or volunteer gifts to non-profit organizations such as Sing Napa Valley. A matching gift is an excellent opportunity to increase your contribution. Contact your human resources department for details about your company’s matching gift program.
Products and Services
Events throughout the year are enhanced by non-monetary donations such as wine, gift cards, special occasion offers. To donate non-monetary items: open, print and complete the In-Kind Donation form.
Shop through
iGive members can generate donations by shopping at any of more than 1,700 stores. There are no costs, obligations or any hidden fees. Causes always receive 100% of the donation amount which is advertised on the iGive web site.
Click here to get started with iGive.
Usher at Concerts
Volunteer to usher at Sing Napa Valley events. Contact us by calling 707-255-4662. We offer free admission in return for your help.